Environmental Policy

Policy Items and Guidelines 2019 Edition


Tingdene Marinas Limited cares about issues affecting the environment, and we will take whatever measures we can to protect and conserve the environment. Our overall aim is zero waste discharge into the environment. This document sets out our new code of practice for all areas of our business that have or may have an impact on the environment. This document is available to all staff, Marina users and statutory bodies for consultation and guidance.

All members of staff will be responsible for the implementation of this policy. Reviews will be carriedout annually. This statement of policy has been circulated to all employees of Tingdene Marinas Limited. and a record of receipt is kept. In compiling this document, we have used and been guided by various publications, principally the BMF ‘Environmental Code of Practice’ (3rd Edition, 2005); and the TYHA ‘Code of Practice for the Design, Construction and Operation of Coastal and Inland Marinas and Yacht Harbours’ (7th Edition, 2013). Both of these documents are available to all staff.

Due diligence to all Environmental issues will be undertaken and demonstrated by regular internal audit and review. The audit will be carried-out annually at each site by the Marina Environmental Officer. Any new policy items and best practice generated by these audits will be included in future editions of this document. The Marina Environmental Officer at each site will generate an action list as based on this document of Environmental tasks to be undertaken, or already in hand. These will be reviewed at regular Staff Meetings, and individual items will be included in monthly repairs and maintenance reporting. The Marina Environmental Officer at each site will also inform marina tenants and users by means of newsletters, E-shots, social media and signage. All Tingdene Marina’s management, employees and persons under our control are obliged to co-operate in carrying-out this policy and they must ensure that their own work is carried-out without risk to the environment.

Copyright: This document, its contents and intellectual property rights remain the property of Tingdene Marinas Limited. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this document may be made without written permission.

Ian Collier, Managing Director


Company environmental policy hierarchy

Managing Director – Ian Collier
Environmental Policy Co-ordinator – Steve Arber CMM


Marina Environmental Officers

Brundall Bay Marina: Mark Cookson
Broadlands Marina: Matthew Page
Hartford Marina: Lucy Zeka
Pyrford Marina: Steve Hughes
Racecourse Marina: Mark Pearce
Stourport Marina: David Lingard
Thames & Kennet Marina: Richard Birch
Upton Marina: Jamieson Harris
Walton Marina: Adam Buck



Publications: BMF / EA / RYA ‘Environmental Code of Practice’ (January 2005) This is the key reference item, and provides much greater details and more information on all those points raised in this document. Copies are available.

The Yacht Harbour Association ‘Code of Practice’ (2013).



Why do our Marinas need this policy and guidelines?

There are many benefits to be gained from our marinas being environmentally responsible. These benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Minimising the potential for environmental fines and prosecutions
  • Improved environmental conditions for everyone
  • Long term cost savings
  • Increased customer patronage
  • Increased confidence within the boating fraternity
  • A better company image


Environmental policy items

Key Headings:

  1. Information
  2. Recycling
  3. Pollution Control
  4. Antifouling
  5. Energy and Resource Efficiency
  6. Plan, Do, Check, and Review


1. Information

One of the easiest ways to improve the Marina’s environmental impact is by encouraging all berthholders and marina users to adopt appropriate practices and to use appropriate equipment.

Communication of this information will be achieved by:

  • Regular Marina Newsletters, E-shots and Social Media updates
  • Having The Green Blue “How to Guides” available
  • Including this information in brochure packs and welcome packs
  • Giving all tenants and trade users this information

It is also important to allow all berth-holders, marina users and colleagues to feed back ideas and comments for further improvements to policy and practice.


2. Recycling

Facilities will be provided to all berth-holders for the safe disposal of all domestic waste. As a minimum, recycling facilities will readily be available to all berth-holders for:

  • Dry Mixed Recycling

Where possible, recycling facilities may be made available to all berth-holders for:

  • Scrap metal
  • Gas bottles
  • Batteries
  • Waste Oil
  • Glass bottles
  • Paper / Cardboard / Timber

Berth-holders will be encouraged via information, newsletters and signage to make use of the nearest public facilities for the disposal of all other items and non-domestic waste. Flares must be disposed of to the supplying chandlery or manufacturer, who will have the appropriate safe disposal means

The Marina Environmental Officer and / or the Marina Manager will ensure that appropriate records are kept of all disposal solutions; and will also maintain a list of suppliers and providers for all appropriate recycling equipment and activities.

The Marina Environmental Officer and / or the Marina Manager will ensure that an upto-date and appropriate Environment Agency ‘Waste Management Licence’ is obtained. Where appropriate and obtainable, the Marina may also use recycled timbers for the replacement and repair of worn-out pontoon planking.


3. Pollution Control

Oil spill containment and clean-up equipment will be kept available at all times. As a minimum, the marina will have available oil-absorbent pads (either individually or on a roll) and a floating oilabsorbent boom with a minimum length to close off the marina entrance to the river or canal. Where the marina operates refuelling facilities, oil-absorbent materials will be made available to staff and / or customers while refuelling.

Chandlers will be encouraged to stock appropriate oil-absorbent materials for boat owners, eg. for use in bilges, bilge-pump filter intercepts, etc.

Sewage disposal facilities will be provided at all sites: elsan disposal and cleaning facilities, and pump-out facilities for holding tanks. Discharge of sewage into the Marina basin from sea-toilets is not allowed under the standard terms of mooring and storage.

Berth-holders will be encouraged to use ‘green’ and / or biodegradable toilet chemicals; and chandlers will be encouraged to keep stock of these materials. Discharge of contaminated bilge water into the Marina basin is not allowed under the standard terms of mooring and storage.

Marina pontoons will only be pressure-washed or hosed-down using clean water or river water. Detergents, bleaches and other chemicals will not be used.

The Marina Environmental Officer will prepare and keep updated a site drainage plan, showing all watercourses, drains, spillways etc. All pollution incidents to be reported to the statutory authorities. Telephone numbers of pollution response firms and the local Environment Agency will be recorded at the Marina office. Environment Agency hotline 0800 807060. Note that acetone is particularly hazardous to aquatic life.


4. Antifouling

The Marina Manager or Service Manager will consider options to limit the run-off from areas used for pressure-washing hulls, eg. filters and traps for hull wash-down; intercept trenches, or to carry-out hull wash-down in a designated area away from Marina basin. Antifouling residues and scrapings must not be allowed to enter any watercourse. Berth-holders working on their own boat hulls should be encouraged or obliged to ensure that all antifouling residues and hull scrapings are cleaned-up and disposed of appropriately. An easy way to encourage this is to suggest the use of a cheap tarpaulin or plastic sheeting during hull-scraping.


5. Energy and Resource Efficiency

The Marina will adopt as far as possible a resource-efficient policy both in the offices and buildings, and on the pontoons. LED / low-energy bulbs will be used in all lighting, including pontoon walkways. PCs, printers and other electronic equipment will be turned-off where possible when not in use. Recycled paper will be used where possible. Reduce heating settings by 1ºC where possible. Use low-energy or instantaneous heating – and where possible use motion-sensor and/or thermostatic controls (high and low temperatures).


6. Plan, Do, Check, and Review

The first step in this process is for the Environmental Officer to conduct an Environmental Audit at each marina, to establish steps which need to be taken to reduce the environmental impacts. The required action raised by the Audit will form the basis of a site Environmental Plan, which can be implemented as appropriate. These measures should then be checked periodically. The overall policy document can then be reviewed and amended in the light to established best practice and any new guidelines pertaining.

A guide or pro-forma for conducting an Audit can be found below. Facilities and practise should also be reviewed in comparison to the specific policy items listed above.


Internal environmental audit

Here is a simple site audit for each marina to carry out in order to identify key issues.


Environmental Management

  • Do you have an environmental policy, plan or system in place, and is it used?
  • Do you have a designated staff member who is responsible for keeping up to date with and implementing your environmental policies?
  • Are staff members and customers aware of your commitment to the environment?
  • Are you aware of and familiar with current environmental legislation?


Water Quality Management

  • Do you have any structures or procedures in place to prevent pollution of water bodies or storm
  • Do you do all boat maintenance and repairs in contained area so that residues and run off do not
    contaminate water bodies or storm water?
  • Do you have in place any systems to collect and treat waste water generated from slipway
  • Do you encourage the use of oil absorbent products to prevent discharges of oily bilge water?
    Waste Management
  • Are you aware of what wastes and quantities your activities generate?
  • Do you have adequate waste bins with lids to reduce wind blown litter?
  • Are your solid wastes transported and disposed of by a licensed waste contractor?
  • If so, do you know the name of the company that provides your waste services?
  • Do you reuse any waste?
  • Do you recycle any wastes?
  • Have you investigated how to reduce your wastes?
  • Do you encourage your customers to use waste facilities correctly?


Hazardous Materials

  • Do you handle and store paints, cleaners, fuels and other chemicals in such a way as to prevent
    spills or pollution of water, air and the ground?
  • Do you have signage in place instructing customers and staff about taking care when refuelling
  • Do you have bunds around any oil storage tanks to prevent contamination of· watercourses?
  • Do you have all relevant COSHH sheets?
  • Do you have a spill procedure or method of containment?
  • Do you have clean up equipment such as booms and absorbents in case of a chemical spill?


Energy and Water Use

  • Have you done anything to reduce energy use, such as installing thermostats for hot water, installing
    timer switches or completing an energy audit?
  • Have you done anything to reduce water use such as fixing all hoses with trigger action


Environmental policy

Tingdene Parks Ltd, Tingdene Marinas Ltd, Tingdene Boat Sales Ltd & Tingdene Holiday Parks Ltd

Our Aim:- Only utilise contractors who demonstrate a level of commitment to and comply with Health, Safety and Environmental standards commensurate with those of the company.

Through investigation, follow up and analysis of incident reports, strive to eliminate incidents with the potential to result in injury to employees and others, damage to plant and equipment and harm to the environment.

Tingdene believe in a high level of environmental awareness which is essential in sustaining a healthy environment. Such conscience creates a better place for both work and pleasure, now and for the future generations to benefit.

The company will comply with the United Kingdom Environmental legislation as a minimum standard. In realising the company’s responsibilities to protect the environment it will:

  1. Consider the environment at the design and implementation stages of site work.
  2.  Select material and substances with minimum environmental impact wherever practicable.
  3. Manage the use of resources minimising waste.
  4. Suitably dispose of waste through recycling schemes or other appropriate ways.
  5. Control and limit pollution emissions including but not limited to, Noise, Dust, Smell, Vibration and other nuisances which may cause offence to the community.

The company collectively and individually accepts the responsibility for all the environmental matters.

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